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Walking through the medina of Fez in Morocco (30 photos)

In Fez we arrived after the Atlantic coast and the Sahara dunes. We waited for the ancient medina and the narrow streets of the ancient imperial city.

Medina - the old part of the city in North Africa, walled, built during the Arab rule. The word "medina" (Madinat al-) modern Arabic simply means "city." From the outside it may look like this.

Inside, it is most often a maze.

From above it looks like this. Hundreds and hundreds of densely and randomly built houses with narrow aisles between them.

It happens that the walk can lead to a dead end

Many are afraid to get lost here, but if there is any capacity for guidance, then it's not so bad. And what to say, if you do not want to communicate with local, that now in every smartphone has a navigation

And sooner or later, will still get on the broad central street where everything is filled with endless vendors and their shops.

In the morning the people not so much, yet it is relatively free to go, shops are just opening.

In general, it seems that everything is sold to each other tons of anyone actually useless nonsense. That is to say, the artificial creation of GDP

At each corner of the pressed juice of oranges for 20 rubles a glass.

Those who are not involved in the trading process on a weekday, just idly tusuyut in mass quantities

At the heart of the medina, there is always a mosque. Some of them are iconic. But we were surprised that they were not allowed visitors. Were able to get to just a few.

Here in Arabic and all the mosaics in the thread. Beautiful.

Back in the medina of Fez remained famous dyeing leather

The smell is appropriate, on the Internet a lot of crying about it. But we are somehow not hurt, on the contrary, his wife and 6-year-old son watched with great curiosity.

Paint on old technologies, as if there is no outside in 2013. Below dudes mauled in the skin of red paint, and the top satellite dishes look into space.

But in general, of course, like in Fez. Gives, as it were, a common understanding. We have a little walk through the narrow streets.

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